SWR – Week 15

What have you learned that has proved most useful to your composition process?

What has proved most useful to my composition process is creating outlines. It aids my writing process because it allows me to gather all my thoughts in an organized and shorter format. It makes the writing process easier to handle and the transition to an essay format smoother.

SWR – Week 13

What is the relationship between your Research essay and your MMT? In your
response, be sure to compare the rhetorical situation of each.

My research-informed essay on how systemic racism affects the development of children was written as an informative essay discussing the different avenues in which our system as a society affects children of color and their development. I wrote this essay with the intended audience of scholars and people who are interested in understanding the issues brought up on a more complex level and want to enact change. My purpose for writing this was to bring awareness to the consistent disparities between races and how this affects children as well as how this issue is put into practice in our country on a deeper level. The information presented in the essay is relevant because it highlights good examples of systemic racism in America and how it affects the development of children and how it will affect our society both on a national and global level. For my Multi-Modal Translation I decided to create a slideshow presentation. I chose this because I wanted to target an audience with less awareness on the topics and issues discussed in the essay. I decided the slideshow would be best because it allowed me to have more creative freedom and use of imagery to make the information I was presenting easier to understand and digest. I picked the most important points from my original essay to include in order to get the message across easily. The purpose of creating the translation in that manner was because I believed that it was crucial to format the translation this way because it was unlikely that the general population was going to understand and retain the information that was presented in six pages worth of only words and no visual aids. The information presented in the slideshow presentation is relevant because it takes the most important facts of the issue I’m looking to enact change on and makes it really resonate with whoever is viewing it.

SWR – Week 12

As you have continued your research work, how has your argument evolved?

As I have continued my research work, the points I wanted to touch on have changed a little bit. Systemic racism covers a vast range of topics throughout our society. It has been challenging having to narrow down the different topics to cover in my essay. I ended up covering how systemic racism affects child development through healthcare, education, and wealth disparities. I believe it is the three most important topics to cover and will help me get my points across in the most effective manner.

SWR – Week 11

What’s the intended rhetorical situation of your Research essay? What do you need
to do to make this situation a reality?

My intended audience for my informative essay would be any scholar who is interested in learning about systemic racism and how it affects the development of children on a deeper level. I hope to discuss the different avenues in which our system as a society affects children of color and their development and cite examples that provide an in-depth understanding of the issue and the different causes. My purpose for writing it will be to bring awareness to the consistent disparities between races and how this affects children as well as how this issue is put into practice in our country. To accomplish this I plan to find different examples and statistics for children in education, healthcare, and overall wealth disparities.

SWR – Week 9

Prompt: Discuss your research sources. What media are you using? How do these different types of media support your topic/ideas? your writing work?

My research sources consist of a lot of studies and other research studies that have been posted on websites. These support my topic because the studies conducted on the topic of systemic racism have been done within the last few years. They support the idea that systemic racism affects the development of children because of multiple factors such as healthcare, wealth disparities, and education.

SWR – Week 8

Prompt: What have we done so far that has been helpful to your writing process? How might you apply this helpful information or tool? What has been confusing or what would you like to spend more time on? If the clarification/additional focus does not occur during class time, how will you acquire the knowledge?

What has been helpful to me throughout my writing process has been starting off by creating outlines for every project I begin. It helps me gather all my thoughts in a simpler form and gives me a guideline for the rest of my writing. I would like to spend more time learning to use this skill more effectively. Reviewing this skill during class time helps clarify any questions I might have on the topic.

SWR – Week 7

Prompt: Select one learning objective or one component of a learning objective. How have you learned it? How have you developed in this arena so far this semester?

One learning objective I’ve had was bettering my organizational skills. Throughout my last year of high school I’ve formed bad habits at it relates to keeping track of my work and assignments. Throughout this semester I’ve greatly improved my skills as it relates to my academics. I’ve utilized assignment lists, study schedules, and other good habits to improve as a student. My biggest motivator for doing this is to eventually have my hard work pay off and gain a good career out of it.

SWR – Week 6

Prompt: Annotate one article you plan to use in your research. Share what kind of information you wrote in your annotations. Did annotating help you? If yes, how? If no, why not? What else do you need to do to process this article?

The topic I’m researching for my essay is how systemic racism affects child development. The article I annotated involves the disparities that African Americans experience as it relates to early education and childcare. Annotating the article really helped me better understand what I was reading and better informed me on the topic I was researching. Looking up words or phrases also helped me better process the article.

SWR – Week 5

Prompt: Analyze the rhetorical situation of your Learning Analysis. Introduce your essay’s genre, purpose, audience, and context, and reflect on the extent to which you achieved the learning goals of the assignment as well as any goals you set for yourself.

My Learning Analysis Essay is a self-reflection essay based on the ways I learn. The purpose of writing it is for both myself and others to better understand me and to share my experiences. My audience is for people who are near my age and can relate to my experiences. I believed I achieved the goals I set for myself while also meeting the learning requirements of the assignment as well as I could have and have greatly improved my writing skills.

SWR – Week 3

Prompt: What have we done so far that has been helpful to your writing process? How might you apply this helpful information or tool? What has been confusing or what would you like to spend more time on? If the clarification/additional focus does not occur during class time, how will you acquire the knowledge?

What has been helpful to me and aided my writing process is splitting up the work into steps rather than just getting everything done at once and forgetting about it. Splitting the work up and using outlines and rough drafts have helped me do my best work. What has been challenging with this though is creating outlines with a limited amount of information and ideas, but once I get past that obstacle it makes the writing process much easier.

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